Tuesday, August 9, 2011

78 Degrees?

What temperature do you set on your thermostat during these sultry summer days? (To clarify, I’m asking about the times of the day and week when you’re home but don’t have guests.)

Larry Teller, of the EPA believes in 78 degree, and here’s why:

•It feels fine to me, especially when coming into the house on a hot, muggy day (Contrast is often what counts in life),
•The other day, when the air conditioner maintenance guy was leaving, and resetting the thermostat, he asked, simply, “78 degrees?” He has no incentive to make me sweat, right?
•My own agency offers energy-saving/pollution reduction tips for the cooling season, including
1.Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs
2.Use ceiling fans instead of, or when needed, to supplement air conditioning,
3.Close shade and blinds when you can,
4.Check and replace air conditioner filters, (or ask your First Communities maintenance staff to check them for you)
5.Plug duct leaks, and (here comes my favorite),
6.Set your thermostat higher when no one is home, and program it around your schedule
•The paragon of common sense and virtuous, energy-saving, living is also on my side: Consumer Reports boldly recommends a 78 degree setting
How do you handle this in your house? Advice is welcome.

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